Imagine meeting him (or her?) on the battle field. Doom is looming for sure.

Seen at
Seen at Fyvie Castle, Scotland
Imagine meeting him (or her?) on the battle field. Doom is looming for sure.
Seen at
Seen at Fyvie Castle, Scotland
Magnificent willow figures seen at National Trust “Knightshayes”, Tiverton, Dorset – UK
More more information on the artist go to Wicked Willow Creations
Hey diddle diddle
Humpty Dumpty has a fiddle
but he forgot his bow and cannot play
so he prepared for this years leap day
to do instead and without a grunt
a variation of his famous stunt
and let himself fall
from a roof, instead off a wall.
– By Mo
Visiting Hong Kong between 19. November 2015 and 8. May 2016? Then don’t forget to look up and feast your eyes on the latest art installation by Anthony Gormley – EVENT HORIZON.
Thirty one human shaped sculptures looking out into space will be mounted at both street level and building tops across Hong Kong’s Central and Western districts, questioning how the built world relates to an inherited earth.
The sculptures are indexical copies of the artists body and indicate a particular time of a particular body, a human space within space at large.
EVENT HORIZON engages the desire to look up and look again at familiar places in a new way. Within the condensed environment of Hong Kong, the tension between the palpable, perceivable and imaginable is heightened. My intention is to get the sculptures as visible as possible against the sky, allowing each to be seen as a body against light and space, entering in and out of visibility to those walking the streets. The installation should have no defining boundary.
– Anthony Gormley
For more information and images visit: