Back in September I volunteered at Lluest Horse & Pony Trust near Llandovery, Brecon Beacon National Park, Wales, for 3 weeks. This great charity rescues mistreated animals, nurtures them back to health, works on behaviour problems and tries to find guardian homes for them. Animals that cannot be rehomed will become permanent residents at Lluest Trust.
They also provide opportunities for people with learning difficulties to acquire skills and mental support from dealing with animals.
I had such a wonderful time there. The team is great, the farmhouse cosy (accommodation provided on site), the animals lovely, the surrounding landscape beautiful.
What a joy it was to be greeted every morning by the horses/ponies in residence. Putting out hay, then on to my favourite job: mucking out the stables. I kid you not. There is something about shovelling shit (literal shit, not some made-up corporate commercial stressy shit), something very simple but satisfying. Your brain shuts off. Your body works. You use muscles you did not need in an office job. Your eyes see a result, a measurable output (how many wheelbarrows full of shit per day). Not to mention being outdoors all day.
I am telling you, forget yoga, try shovelling shit. Good for body and mind.
I arrived just in time for their September Open Day. There was a dog show, a raffle, lots of cakes and sandwiches, photo opportunities with our resident unicorns and much more. A fun day all round.
Next event was a vintage tea party with the four lovely munchkins aka shetland ponies. This was a birthday gift for a 21 year old. Adults, twens and teens were equally excited to groom the ponies than feast while the munchkins did what they do best – munch grass.
On my days off I did trips to the local area: Roman gold mine, Roman amphitheatre in Carmarthen, Tenby, St Davids, and many castles.
Check out their website: and follow them on Facebook. They deserve your attention and definitely a small donation.
They have a wish list on Amazon. And if you are a coop-member you can chose them as your charity. Lots of ways to do something good.
If you prefer a more hands-on approach, go and volunteer there as well. Help is always welcome. Contact direct or via